If you have a personal, or work healthplan such as Healthshield, you may be able to claim back the cost of your massage. Check the necessary requirements your healthplan states against my qualifications below.
Mention you'd like a receipt from me and I'll provide you with what you need to claim back your massage cost from your healthplan provider.
- VTCT Swedish Massage
- Hot Stone Massage Practitioners Course, Accredited by Federation of Holistic Therapists
- Indian Head Massage Practioner,Accredited by Federation of Holistic Therapists
- Chair Massage Workshop, BCMB
- Deep Tissue Massage Workshop, BCMB
- Pregnancy Massage CPD by Wellmother, Accredited by Federation of Holistic Therapists
- Oncology Massage, Postgraduate Diploma with Jennifer Young, Accredited by Federation of Holistic Therapists